Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the Skate Canada Fee?

The Skate Canada fee, is the insurance fee that each skater has to pay each year they are registered.  The fee works on a calendar year from September 1 to the following August 31.  Once you have paid the fee for one program, within that time period, you have insurance coverage within all other Club programs until August 31 of the following year.

If I paid my skate Canada fee in the fall, do we have to pay it each time we sign up?

The Skate Canada fee is paid once per skating season. The skating season runs September 1st to August 31st each year.

Does my child have to wear a helmet? Is a bike helmet okay to wear? Does the helmet have to have a cage?

If you child is PreSchool or CanSkate, your child must wear a helmet. All helmets must be CSA approved hockey helmets (no bike, riding, skiing helmets, etc). No cage is required, this is at the parents discrection.

What should my child wear on the ice?

Your child should be dressed warm, but not too warm. In the beginning they may spend time crawling on the ice so they need to have mitts that are warm. Long johns or tights under a warm pair of pants is excellent also!

Does my child need to wear figure skates?

Skaters in PreSchool and CanSkate can wear hockey skates or figure skates. Skates can be purchased at a local retailer (ie. Canadian Tire, Source for Sports, Sportchek). We do not recommend molded skates as they do not allow your child to bend their ankles.

I want my child to play hockey. Can he wear hockey gloves and bring a stick on the ice?

PreSchool and CanSkate are the right places to breed good skating habits. Your skater can wear hockey gloves but may not bring their stick to the ice.

Are parents permitted on the ice?

Parents are not allowed on the ice. Our insurance does not permit anyone on the ice unless they are registered with Skate Canada. If your skater needs you, we will bring them to the gate and you can pick them up there.

I want my child to be a figure skater. Should they start in hockey skates to avoid the toe picks and then transition over?

It is not recommended to start your child in hockey skates if they wish to become a figure skater as they will find the transition harder. They will be used to skating without a toe pick and may find it hard to switch over. This may also cause them to want to stay in hockey skates as they might not be willing to make what seems like a difficult transition.

What skates do you recommend for my child?

Your child should wear a leather boot and not the plastic molded skates. Skates should fit like shoes, not too big and not too small. You want to be able to wear a pair of socks only (don’t wear multiples, it makes their feet colder faster). Find a brand that fits the length and width of their foot. The boot should not crease and laces should not be wrapped around the ankle.

How do I know if my child should be registered in Preschool or CanSkate?

We encourage new skaters ages 3 & 4 to register for PreSchool. Skaters who are 5 and older should register for the CanSkate program. When your Preschooler is ready to graduate up to Canskate, the Professional coaches will let you know. The SSC allows children to change programs mid season.   A pro-rated fee will be applied for the difference in fees.

How often do I need to have their skates sharpened?

PreSchool and CanSkate skaters should have their skates sharpened every 10-12 hours of ice time. Waiting too long will make the skate feel too sharp and can make it harder for your skater to adjust to the sharpening.

Can my child bring an aid on the ice to help them stand up?

Our insurance does not allow any skating aids on the ice. The coaches will work with your skater to allow them to be comfortable falling and getting up and assist them moving.

Will my child get a coach to themselves?

No, skaters are taught in a group lesson format by National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) certified professional coaches, assisted by trained Program Assistants.

Do I have to hire a coach?

You do not have to hire a coach for PreSchool and CanSkate. All coaching fees are included with your registration for these programs. Coaching for our figure skating programs is done through contracting the coaches on staff. Please speak with Coach Kevin if you will be registering for our figure skating programs to find out about coaching fees, group sizes, etc.

How will I know if my child is ready to move to power skating?

Your child needs to be able to skate competently forwards and backwards. If you are thinking of moving to Power Skating, please speak with either Coach Kevin or Coach Bob to discuss further.

My child wants to figure skate. How will I know when they can move from CanSkate to figure skating?

There is no specific skill level requirement for a skater to move up. Please speak with Coach Kevin for their opinion on the appropriate route for your child.

How many coaches are on the ice?

There is always a minimum of 1 NCCP certified coach on the ice as mandated by Skate Canada. During group sessions there are several advanced skaters that are there to assist called Program Assistants.

What is the NSF Fee?

If a cheque is returned to the Club due to Non Sufficient Funds, the Club will notify the member immediately.  A new payment to replace this NSF cheque will be required immediately, along with the addition of a $35 NSF charge.

What is the Refund Policy?

  • No refunds will be given after receipt of registration without supporting Medical documentation. Preschool programs may receive a refund within the first three weeks of the start of the session.
  • Refunds will be subject to a $50 administration fee, Insurance fee, and a fee for the sessions that took place prior to the Doctors note being received. All requests for refunds must be submitted to NSSA in writing.  Refunds will only be given automatically to Preschool members on or before the 3rd skating week.
  • There will be a $35 charge levied on each N.S.F. cheque or stopped payment cheque returned.